CSR Resources and Guides — Valor CSR

CSR Resources and Guides

More than just frequently asked questions, here are the big topics in corporate social responsibility. The list keeps growing as we get more questions, so check back!


CSR Best Practices for Small to Mid-sized Businesses

Here's our 15 page whitepaper on the major differences between big company CSR and small company CSR. Privately held or owner-managed businesses engage in social responsibility activities for different purposes, and this whitepaper spells them out. Includes best practices on how to develop high-impact, strategic CSR programs.


How Do You Start an Effective CSR Program?

Starting up a new CSR program can be a challenge, because there always seem to be more questions than answers. But here’s a process that should get you on the right track. 


How Do You Set Up a Corporate Foundation?

The term “corporate foundation” doesn’t actually have any official definition in US tax code. Usually, however, it is used to refer to either a private foundation controlled by a corporation, or a public charity associated with a corporation. Each of these are variations on a theme, and while there are very important differences between the two, the process for setting them up is mostly the same.


Comparison of Corporate Foundation Options

Typically, a corporate foundation refers to either a private foundation or a public charity controlled or managed by a company. Both of these forms are generally organized under section 501(C)3 of the U.S. tax code. But creating your own nonprofit isn’t necessarily the only way to get the benefits associated with strategic, branded giving. In this article, we’ll look at some of the alternatives, and discuss the pros and cons.


How to Start a Corporate Philanthropy Program

Recognizing that the motivations and resources available for corporate philanthropy will be different depending on firm size, the following process should provide an effective corporate philanthropy program.


Managing Charity Requests

Nonprofits regularly use the annual reports of other nonprofits to source new prospects. By making a donation, you're signalling that you're a philanthropic company, and philanthropic companies are likely to make donations to other charities. In other words, the number of charitable solicitations you receive will increase – sometimes dramatically. How do you manage the increased number of charity requests?


The Business Benefits of CSR

The business benefits of corporate social responsibility can be divided into four categories: Firm Value, Marketing & Sales, Reputation & Risk, and Human Resources. 


What is a Corporate Foundation?

The term “corporate foundation” doesn’t actually have any official definition in US tax code. Usually, however, it is used to refer to either a private foundation controlled by a corporation, or a public charity associated with a corporation. 


Why Would You Want a Corporate Foundation?

Companies generally start foundations (or alternatives to corporate foundations) to help formalize their philanthropic programs. Ad hoc, nonstrategic giving is expensive, ineffective and time consuming, and a formal program can help to prevent that. Here are the four main reasons that companies start their own foundations. 


What is Ineffective CSR?

There are plenty of resources available that tell you what good corporate social responsibility looks like, but sometimes it’s useful to see the bad stuff so you can learn to avoid it. So here are six descriptions of ineffective CSR to avoid.


Why Might You Avoid a Corporate Foundation?

Creating a corporate foundation isn’t the only way to get the tax, structure, cost savings, branding, and visibility benefits of a strategic corporate philanthropy program. Here are the five reasons you might want to skip the corporate foundation for one of its several alternatives.